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Richard Pepper's
February 2010

Most of the following picture or text links take you to a Blog entry with more pictures.

Northwood Park Church of Christ

Sunday School
Feb. 21


R 'n' R Sing Hymns: Feb. 11

Ruth was part of the Cambrian Players performance at the Arthritis Society's "Manipulation" night. I noticed in our email list that her last name is the same as an LU student I knew years ago, whom I then spotted in her Facebook friends. There I saw she is a "fan of the Bible" and (like her cousin) a Christian. We also became youtube friends and there she suggested we sing together.

I gather that back home with her family she sings a lot of Gospel music, and she wanted someone here she could sing Christian music with, and have some fellowship in Christ. I guess my recent "Dorion Bible Camp" song vids led her to believe that I fit the bill.

So Feb. 11 we recorded these songs at her place. As you'll hear, she is quite adept at harmonizing. Bear in mind it takes two to harmonize; my job was to sing the melody (approximately). I've included out-takes of some of the hilarity that ensued.

Since that time she began to join me in singing at various Senior Homes once or twice a week, and has certainly added to the energy (and, of course, musicality) of these performances. I suppose I should do a better job of introducing her as my friend (and sister in Christ), since some of the residents have voiced aloud other misperceptions. One fellow asked if she were my daughter -- or girlfriend, and (with the latter in mind) called me a "lucky bugger". If you think about it, either one is a flattering view of me. So, I say "No, but thank you." and she graciously doesn't laugh.

The guitar she is playing belongs to her extremely talented boyfriend -- and I'm not allowed to touch it. (I probably shouldn't even look at it.)

Blog entry about this

Camp Gitchigomee

Family Day at the Sportsdome
Feb. 15

Annual General Meeting
Feb. 23

Click here


Tim's Party For His 40th Birthday
Feb. 6

Friends' Children

Kristian Leif: Feb. 25

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